Mach3 Speed Class
A year round training protocol designed to give you real results.
Multiple Weekly Class Sessions
"As the Programs and Services Director of the LPGA Amateur Dallas Chapter, I could not be more grateful for the partnership I have developed with Carrie Chambers. She not only offers classes, clinics and lessons (private and public) but, she also donates her free time to our special events. Carrie is great with all ages and skill levels, truly wanting those she works with to successfully develop. I find it a bonus that she utilizes "top of the line" tools & equipment in her training. Her swing analysis and Mach3 training aids have been extremely beneficial to my individual growth and development, allowing me to improve rapidly as a player. Without a doubt and by far my favorite, would be her Speed and Mobility clinic. I highly recommend Carrie to all those who wish to improve upon their performance and have a passion for golf."
Chalanda Sherman
I am a Certified Mach3 Instructor. Over the last year I have witnessed the numerous benefits the Mach3 tools have provided my students. I use them in my private lessons daily along with running weekly classes.
What is Mach 3? Mach3 is a year-round golf training program that delivers not only speed, but strength and fitness. The Mach3 program is for golfers of all ages, genders, and playing abilities. Workouts are fun, non-exhausting, safe, and athletic in nature. Train for golf without “bulking up” and using natural golf body motions.
Mach 3 Participants Will:
Learn and understand Mach 3’s key concept of “Speed Out in Front”
Discover why using dynamic, oscillating, variable resistance is the best way to train for speed
Find out why golfers of all ages can use the same workout protocol to gain club head speed
Make the connection between fatigue management” and optimal results
Rotex Motion and Mach3 training aids helped this student get the rotation needed to improve her impact position for better ball contact and NO elbow pain!